Hybrid Keypad

Silicone Keypad + Poly Dome/ Metal Dome/ FPC

Silicone keypad can be equipped with different conduction circuit designs according to customer requests, and have an excellent lifespan, which can reach more than one million keypresses on average.

P+R Silicone Keypad + Plastic Key Cap

Customer requirements of the plastic key surface effects can be achieved by employing different processes such as screen printing and laser etching, and these effects can be combined with silicone keypad through bonding technology. The average lifespan of the silicone keypad can reach more than one million keypresses.

Membrane Keypad

The nature of membrane keypad requires light weight and thin thickness as well as ability to resist against harsh temperature and humid environments. Combining surface printing process and the underlying electronic circuit, this keypad can present diversified appearance and specification designs according to customer needs.
